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Azione cofinanziata dalla Commissione Europea
Il presente progetto è finanziato con il sostegno della Commissione europea. L'autore è il solo responsabile di questa pubblicazione (comunicazione) e la Commissione declina ogni responsabilità sull'uso che potrà essere fatto delle informazioni in essa contenute.



Irrigation and water management are important issues for both French and European farmers. Although irrigation accounts for about 7% of agricultural land, less than in other Mediterranean countries, its role remains fundamental for production security.

Irrigation is a real guarantee of crops, a guarantee of quality production. In France, 75,000 farmers are irrigating 1.5 million hectares and are irrigating many crops: seeds, crops, vegetables, industrial crops, etc.

However, only 20% of water resources are currently used. Therefore, there is a large potential for irrigation in France. Irrigation is also one of the most important levers for maintaining a diversified agriculture, contributing to added value and employment in our territories. No production is possible without water.  That is why it is essential to recognise the role of irrigation in French and European agriculture, in the policies of today and tomorrow on climate change.

We are currently experiencing the effects of climate change in France with the evolution of rainfall distribution and rising temperatures... and in the future extreme events will worsen. That is why we think that the time has come to prepare for the future; it is a question of sustainability.

Irrigation clearly has a role to play. The great challenges that lie ahead are the maintenance and development of irrigation in France. This will certainly lead to a reduction in water consumption and an improvement in water efficiency. These reductions will be based on several levers: for example, even more water-resistant genetic varieties, more effective equipment, a wider range of irrigation tools and state-of-the-art farming practices more suitable for subsequent sowing. Research must help us. Creating new resources is also one of our main challenges. Whether it is the creation of new resources, REUSE or pumping, all these levers will have to be activated. That is why IRRIGANTS de France is actively working on the dossier in its entirety and is putting comparison at the heart of its action.

If these problems and concerns exist in France, other EU Member States must also address them. That is why I believe it is essential to initiate and maintain a permanent discussion with my counterparts from other states. It is also the reason, which motivated IRRIGANTS de France to participate in the discussions on the draft structuring of IRRIGANTS D'EUROPE. We have a lot to gain from acting together, addressing our concerns together and making sure everyone recognises the benefits of irrigation.

For IRRIGANTS de France, two main dossiers are currently of utmost importance: the EU Common Agricultural Policy and the revision of the Water Framework Directive. I believe it is essential that irrigation farmers make their views known on these two dossiers and that issues of quantitative management and irrigation are properly placed within them.

Finally, IRRIGANTS de France is pleased with the launch of IRRIGANTS D'EUROPE. We are convinced that it will be a real springboard for discussion not only among its members, but also with the institutions of the European Union. Discussions on irrigation issues will be encouraged and the results will be excellent.

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